Seed Store
Desert Native Seed Mix
A mixture of annuals, perennials, and grasses native to the Mojave desert, all suitable for feeding a desert tortoise (but not recommended for desert restoration). Contains owl's clover (Castilleja exerta), California buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum var. foliolosum), chia (Salvia columbariae), apricot mallow (Sphaeralcea ambigua), Indian ricegrass (Stipa hymenoides), desert needlegrass (Stipa speciosa), and goldfields (Lasthenia californica).

To all prices add 8.25% sales tax and $1.00 shipping (First Class) & handling.
When to Sow
Although the seeds may be planted in the fall or spring (after the last hard frost), the best time to plant in the high desert might be in the late fall before the winter rains come. Prepare your site for seeding by removing all existing growth. Choose a site with a minimum of 6 hours per day of sun. Soil may be lightly raked but not tilled. Tilling dredges up weed seeds. Mix seeds in the packet with ¼ to 1 cup horticulture sand to facilitate scattering. Do not use sandbox sand as it contains weed seeds. Scatter one packet of evenly over an area of about 7 square feet per packet. Walk directly on top of the planted area or tamp with a seed roller. Do not cover seeds with soil; they need sun. Fall planting does not require intensive watering; blooms should appear in spring or early summer.
If you sow in the spring, seeds may be stored inside or outside, but make sure they are stored in a cool, dark place without large fluctuations in humidity. If stored outside, they need protection from rodents and insects. Seed should be kept in a paper bag or envelope. Never store seed in a plastic bag or air-tight container. Moisture trapped inside could cause the seed to mold and ruin the sample. The bag should always be kept in a dry place.
For sowing instructions, click here.